Use different texlive installation

Kornel Benko kornel at
Wed Mar 25 21:35:52 UTC 2020

Am Wed, 25 Mar 2020 21:49:45 +0100
schrieb Zelphir Kaltstahl <zelphirkaltstahl at>:

> Hello LyX users!
> I've searched the mailing list archives and found some instructions on
> how to change the texlive installation, which LyX uses and added the
> following to my `.profile`:
> ~~~~START~~~~
> ###################
> # texlive manager #
> ###################
> export MY_TEXLIVE_LOCATION="/usr/local/texlive"
> export PATH="${MY_TEXLIVE_LOCATION}/2019/bin/x86_64-linux:${PATH}"
> #######
> # LYX #
> #######
> # LYX must know where texlive is installed, otherwise it will have limited
> functionality. # prepend web2c path
> export TEXMFCNF="${MY_TEXLIVE_LOCATION}/2019/texmf-dist/web2c" # ":${TEXMFCNF}"
> # export MANPATH="${MY_TEXLIVE_LOCATION}/2019/texmf-dist/doc/man:${MANPATH}"
> # export INFOPATH="${MY_TEXLIVE_LOCATION}/2019/texmf-dist/doc/info:${INFOPATH}"
> ~~~~~END~~~~~
> And it worked great for a day, I got lots of writing done. Then the next
> day I restarted my machine and LyX complained about not finding any
> textclasses and that it would have limitations.
> Whenever I hit Tools > Reconfigure, I get an error on command line output:
> ~~~~START~~~~
> +checking list of textclasses... 
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/gnu/store/an9kb3hqk8368b05g39fz4bzrz18khp7-lyx-2.3.3/lyx2.3/share/lyx2.3/",
> line 1897, in <module> ret = checkLatexConfig(lyx_check_config and LATEX != '',
> bool_docbook) File
> "/gnu/store/an9kb3hqk8368b05g39fz4bzrz18khp7-lyx-2.3.3/lyx2.3/share/lyx2.3/",
> line 1380, in checkLatexConfig retval = processLayoutFile(file, bool_docbook) File
> "/gnu/store/an9kb3hqk8368b05g39fz4bzrz18khp7-lyx-2.3.3/lyx2.3/share/lyx2.3/",
> line 1327, in processLayoutFile classdeclaration = (b'"%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"'
> TypeError: %b requires a bytes-like object, or an object that implements __bytes__, not
> 'str' support/Systemcall.cpp (276): Systemcall: '/usr/local/bin/python -tt
> "/gnu/store/an9kb3hqk8368b05g39fz4bzrz18khp7-lyx-2.3.3/lyx2.3/share/lyx2.3/"
> --with-version-suffix=2.3 --binary-dir="/home/xiaolong/.guix-profile/bin/"' finished
> with exit code 1 ~~~~~END~~~~~
> It seems like an implementation bug in the script, expecting another
> type. I think it could also be Python 2 str VS Python 3 str related.
> When I go to Tools > TeX Information, the paths all point to my Guix
> profile, instead of the path I defined in the TEXMFCNF environment
> variable in my `.profile`. I think that is the reason, why it cannot
> find much there. I did not install texlive using Guix, but installed it
> by downloading it and installing every single package of the 2019
> version using the default installer, which I think in turn uses tlmgr.
> My PATH variable starts as follows:
> ~~~~START~~~~
> /home/xiaolong/.nvm/versions/node/v13.9.0/bin:/usr/local/texlive/2019/bin/x86_64-linux: ...
> ~~~~~END~~~~~
> So it is definitely on the path. According to
> that should be sufficient, but obviously it is not. It also does not ask
> me after a while to restart it or anything, after rescanning in Tools >
> TeX Information.
> Here is some more system information:
> ~~~~START~~~~
> xiaolong at xlx200:~$ lsb_release -a
> No LSB modules are available.
> Distributor ID:	Trisquel
> Description:	Trisquel GNU/Linux 8.0, Flidas
> Release:	8.0
> Codename:	flidas
> xiaolong at xlx200:~$ which lyx2.3 
> /home/xiaolong/.guix-profile/bin/lyx2.3
> xiaolong at xlx200:~$ which python
> /usr/local/bin/python
> xiaolong at xlx200:~$ which tlmgr
> /usr/local/texlive/2019/bin/x86_64-linux/tlmgr
> xiaolong at xlx200:~$ which latexmk
> /usr/local/texlive/2019/bin/x86_64-linux/latexmk
> ~~~~~END~~~~~
> Here is a complete log of the output on command line, when I run
> `lyx2.3` (it even says, that it will use a wrong texlive):
> So at some point my LyX did look at the correct path, but not it is not
> and I need to fix it.
> What can I do to make LyX pick up the correct texlive installation path?
> Best regards,
> Zelphir

Probably you have to tell Guix about the new path.
Have you tried to start lyx from the terminal? (That is, after the .profile is loaded)


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