Get unicode output for quotation marks
xracoonx at
Fri Mar 20 07:17:23 UTC 2020
On 2020-03-16 11:36, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2020-03-14, Daniel wrote:
>> On 2020-03-14 13:25, Guenter Milde wrote:
>>>>> Is there a way to get LyX to use unicode for quotation marks?
>>>>> In particular, I am using quotation marks in a section title which
>>>>> generates the following LaTeX code:
>>>>> \section{``Test''}
>>>>> However, I would like it to generate
>>>>> \section{“Test”}
>>>>> The problem is that otherwise the bookmarks in PDFs also show ``Test''
>>>>> instead of “Test”.
>>>> I just learned about the LaTeX command \texorpdfstring. Basically, one
>>>> gives it two arguments where the first is the tex and the second is the
>>>> one to be used in the bookmarks (pdf). Doesn't look nice in LyX but gets
>>>> the job done. However, I had to manually switch to unicode encoding to
>>>> get it to work with the "fancy" quotation marks (Document > Settings >
>>>> Language). See the attached file.
>>> With Unicode (utf8) encoding, there should be no need for
>>> \texorpdfstring, as the typographical quotes are used in the latex
>>> source:
>>> >> \section{“Test”}
>>> (This is one of the reasons why utf8 is the new default encoding in LyX 2.4.)
>> No, even with utf8, \section{``Test''} is produced in the latex source.
> I see:
> * The Unicode literals are used in the LaTeX source when
> - input uses Unicode literals (with either system key-combinations or
> custom LyX keybindings) and
> - Document>Settings>Language>input encoding is set to one of the Unicode
> encodings or "pass-through".
> or with "non-TeX" fonts.
> * the "quote inset" still uses the LaTeX ligatures instead of Unicode with
> 8-bit TeX fonts.
> This was sensible with "input encoding" defaulting to latin1 (or some
> other language dependent 8-bit encoding) where the literal charater "“"
> would have become "\textdblquote" in the LaTeX source.
> As the new default "input encoding" is utf8, this reason no longer holds.
> Could you file an enhancement request ticket at
> Günter
I can't follow what you are saying. So, I don't think I am the right
person to file an enhancement report.
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