lyx file from 2015 not converted to pdf

Paul A. Rubin parubin73 at
Thu Mar 19 16:20:39 UTC 2020

On 3/19/20 12:03 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> I am trying to export from a lyx file produced in 2015 a pdf file, but 
> get this error:
> Error: Softwareausnahme erkannt
> ----------------------------------------
> LyX hat einen Fehler (Exception) entdeckt. Das Programm wird jetzt 
> versuchen, alle ungespeicherten Dateien zu speichern, und dann beendet.
> Exception: std::exception
> Buffer.cpp (1601): 
> /home/wolfgang/Dokumente/Photobiology-2015-3/PBR-FINAL--NN.lyx.emergency
> Buffer.cpp (1601): 
> /home/wolfgang/Dokumente/Photobiology-2015-3/PBR-FINAL-NN.lyx.emergency
> Abgebrochen
> what might this mean > Exception: std::exception  ??
> I started the lyx on a terminal and there it starts with
> $ lyx PBR-FINAL--NN.lyx
> kf5.kio.core: "Ordner tags:/ lässt sich nicht öffnen."
> Warning: Failed to produce 1 preview snippet(s)
> QXcbClipboard: SelectionRequest too old
> further errors:
> Error 84 returned from iconv when converting from UCS-4LE to 
> ISO-8859-15: Ungültiges oder unvollständiges Multi-Byte- oder 
> Wide-Zeichen
> How should I proceed?
> Wolfgang
The last message (error 84) suggests that there may be a problem with 
character encoding. If it is in a preview snipped, that could explain 
the preceding message.

You can try to isolate the problematic portion of the document by 
bisection. Once you know where the problem is, we may be able to offer 
more specific advise.


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