LyX 2.3.4 and Evince/Okular synctex

Ben Houcine benhoucine at
Thu Mar 12 13:40:29 UTC 2020

After a week of Linux distros tests I settled yesterday with manjaro-gnome-19.0.2. This distro worked fine with the latest version of LyX.Concerning LyX synctex with Okular I have the following note to add to the pageLyX wiki | LyX / SyncTeX
The following are necessary:
1) In Document > Settings > Formats, check Synchronize with output (In windows 10 it's not necessary to do that because I think there is a difference between TeXLive versions in Windows and Linux and how they work)
2) Tools → Preferences → File Handling → File Formats
Select the format PDF (pdflatex)Set the Viewer field to Custom with a command: okular --unique
as seen this screenshot

I note also that so far I have tested the command "okular --unique" don't work properly in Windows ports of okular.

- Synctex with Evince:It works great in my manjaro-gnome-19.0.2 tests, the only issue is that using the scripts
evince don't start maximized even if you save window settings in it.My solution is to edit the preceding scripts and replace "evince" by the command "evince --fullscreen"

- LyX version (testing version):So far in my tests, I din't see any issue in Windows 10.

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