Bibliography missing publication date. [FIXED]

Jürgen Spitzmüller spitz at
Wed Mar 11 07:36:12 UTC 2020

Am Dienstag, den 10.03.2020, 13:12 -0700 schrieb Rich Shepard:
> For some reason that entry did not have a "year" field, only the
> "date"
> field. Many entries have both fields, but this one lacked the "year."
> So I
> added the year and now it shows up.

date is biblatex-specific*, while year is bibtex (biblatex also
understands year, but bibtex does not understand date).

You probably use some biblatex-mode in Jabref.


* date can take much more structured information than year, such as
month and day, date ranges, circa-specifiers, AC/BC-specifiers.
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