single quotes in xhtml output

Guenter Milde milde at
Thu Mar 5 21:20:02 UTC 2020

On 2020-02-29, Cuyahoga Falls wrote:

> I often want to export to xhtml. However, when I do so, single quotation 
> marks and apostrophes (`) and (') do not get converted to curly 
> typographic quotes. Double quotes get converted just fine. 

Which keys or key-combinations do you use to insert the quote signs?

By default, the »"«-key, inserts an "outer" „smart-quote inset“ which is
converted to a typographical quote according to the document language's
conventions (configurable in Document>Settings>Language).

The default binding for "inner" „smart quotes“ is Alt-". Alternatively, you
can use the Menu Insert>Special Character>Inner Quotation Mark.

The ` and ' keys, in contrast default to inserting ASCII GRAVE ACCENT
and APOSTROPHE respectively. Most LaTeX fonts show them in the shape of
typographical curly single quotes but most fonts used in web browsers show
them in the "neutral" shape.

> Also, when exporting to html, all quotes are properly converted, 

Probabely, the external converter implements a "smart quotes" feature.

> but I prefer the single file output of xhtml.

I suppose with "xhtml" you mean the native "LyXHTML" export route?

There is no plan to add such a smartquotes feature to the LyXHTML export,
rather users should input typographical quotes either as literal characters
or "quote insets".

You may consider binding the '-key or the `-key to "quote-insert inner"
(with Tools>Preferences>Editing>Shortcuts),
use Alt-" or your systems keybindings for the literal curly quote Unicode


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