"LaTeX3 Error: Command '\textsi' not yet defined!"

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at lyx.org
Sun Feb 16 11:34:29 UTC 2020

On 2/15/20 5:52 PM, David Pesetsky wrote:
> I was using Lyx for Mac rather extensively to write a long-ish
> manuscript about a year ago, but have been away from it for a while.
> In the interval, a problem has arisen, though nothing has changed in
> my setup besides updating Lyx and Latex via TexLive.  I install the
> embrac package, which ensures non-italic brackets in otherwise
> italicized environments.  This used to work without a problem, but now
> generates the error message:
> LaTeX3 Error: Command '\textsi' not yet defined!
> I am sure of my trouble-shooting, since commenting out the usepackage
> command eliminates the error. 

This is pretty suspicious. It suggests, to me, that LaTeX3 is being used
to compile this file, which will almost certainly cause major problems
with LyX. Then again, it's possible that the problem is just local to
the embrac package. You might try writing the maintainer at
contact at mychemistry.eu.


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