Image paths when exporting from Lyx

muzzle muzzle at
Tue Jan 21 15:40:06 UTC 2020


I am trying to setup LyX to export directly to the reStructuredText format.
I adapted these instructions
<> just replacing markdown
with rst.

Unfortunately LyX changes the path of every image.

e.g. this figure

.. figure:: 0_home_muzzle_Nextcloud_Stuff_Stuff_documentation_source_img_pressure.jpg
   :alt: Pressure
   :width: 80.0%


should be

.. figure:: img/pressure.jpg
   :alt: Pressure
   :width: 80.0%


I think LyX is replacing the image path with that of a copy of the image
created to allow the converter to do its job. This is the correct behavior
if the output format will somehow embed the image in the document, but that
is not the case for reStructuredText (or for markdown, for that matter).

If I export the lyx file as latex from the GUI, and then convert it to
reStructuredText using the command

pandoc --wrap=none -f latex -t rst -o file.rst file.tex

the image path is correct, is there a way to obtain the same effect from
the UI conversion and export system?


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