
Dr Eberhard Lisse nospam at lisse.NA
Mon Jan 13 22:24:18 UTC 2020

The Oberdiek package has been changed, moving a number if packages out,
which now need to be manually installed.

On the Mac and Unix this is easy, just run something like

	tlmgr update --all --self


	tlmgr install ltxcmds

the latter you need to do for each missing package, or if you know
which ones are missing you can put all names on the line

greetings, el

On 2020-01-13 19:21 , Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> On 1/13/20 11:58 AM, F M Salter wrote:
>> Hi,
>>     Suddenly compiling lyx documents for one user produces the bizarre
>> situation that not one will  compile. They all report that ltxcmds.sty
>> is required.  This is true even for a document with only the single
>> word "test" as contents.  Other users are not affected.
>>     Any suggestions?
>> Regards Frank Salter
> Does this include a variety of document classes, or are all the
> non-compiling documents from the same document class (which perhaps
> requires the Oberdiek LaTeX package)?
> Paul

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