displayed text with math

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at lyx.org
Wed Jan 1 17:53:54 UTC 2020

On 12/31/19 3:11 PM, Hal Kierstead wrote:
>> On Dec 31, 2019, at 12:52 PM, Paul A. Rubin <parubin73 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 12/31/19 11:26 AM, Hal Kierstead wrote:
>>> All -
>>> I would like to display some text and math, and have a tag that I can reference, something like in the attached files that I generated with LyX. My efforts seem clumsy, and I was wondering if any one had a better idea.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Hal
>> Since you are using enumitem, with one tweak to the preamble (to get rid of a default colon) you can use the "Labeling" environment (the "List" tool bar button, one right of the button to insert itemized lists). The margins of the inset are not identical to what you have, but it might suffice. I've attached a hacked version of your file.
>> Paul
>> <DisplayedText.lyx>-- 
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> Thanks, Paul. I had thought of this, and I should be able to adjust the left and right edges of the text to get what I want, but I could not figure out how to do it with enumitem.
> I think my desired construct is one that others might find useful. For instance I see it in textbooks.

Certainly the best way to do this is to define some environment with a
label, etc. and appropriate sorts of margins. I'm attaching a module I
wrote to do something similar. The right margin can be adjusted by
redefining \rightmargin within the list.

For enumitem, there's a very nice explanation of list parameters in the
docs, here:


See p. 3. You can just do things like:

    \begin{description}[rightmargin = 1em]
        \item ....

in LaTeX, of course. In LyX, you do Insert> Itemize Options on the first
item, and put "rightmargin = ..." into that inset. For one-off uses,
this would be fine.

To define a new list type, we can use enumitem like this:


This would act exactly like the regular description environment, but
with a right margin of 1em. You can add other modifiers to the setlist
command as you wish (e.g., font=\sffamily\bfseries to set the label font
to bold sans serif). And now we can do this in local layout, or in a module:

Style MyDesc
    CopyStyle description
    LatexName mydesc


-------------- next part --------------
#An environment for numbered formulas.

Format 64

Counter formula
	Within chapter

Counter thesis
	Within chapter

Style Formula
	Margin                First_Dynamic
	LatexType             Item_Environment
	LatexName             Formula
	NextNoIndent          1
	LabelSep              xxxxxx
	LeftMargin            MMM
	ParSkip               0.4
	ItemSep               0.2
	TopSep                0.7
	BottomSep             0.7
	ParSep                0.3
	Align                 Block
	AlignPossible         Block, Left
	LabelType             Static
	LabelCounter          formula
	LabelString           "(\arabic{formula})"
		Shape               Up
		Series              Bold
		% Formula module
		\def\@rh at item{\refstepcounter{formula}\olditem}
		\def\@rh at opt@item[#1]{\protected at edef\@currentlabel{#1}\olditem[#1]}
			\setlength{\labelwidth}{\leftmargin - \labelsep}%
			\renewcommand{\item}{\@ifnextchar[\@rh at opt@item\@rh at item}%
				refcmd    = {(\ref{#1})},
				rngtxt    = \RSrngtxt,
				lsttwotxt = \RSlsttwotxt,
				lsttxt    = \RSlsttxt}}
	RefPrefix for

Style Formula_Restate
	DependsOn             Formula
	CopyStyle             Formula
	LabelType             Static
	LabelCounter          ""
	LabelString           "(REF)"
# Unfortunately, this becomes the argument to the enviroment,
# not to the item.
#	Argument 1
#		AutoInsert     1
#		LabelString   "Label"
#	EndArgument

Style Thesis
	Margin                First_Dynamic
	LatexType             Item_Environment
	LatexName             Thesis
	NextNoIndent          1
	LabelSep              xxxxxx
	LeftMargin            MMM
	ParSkip               0.4
	ItemSep               0.2
	TopSep                0.7
	BottomSep             0.7
	ParSep                0.3
	Align                 Block
	AlignPossible         Block, Left
	LabelType             Static
	LabelCounter          thesis
	LabelString           "Thesis \arabic{thesis}"
		Shape               Up
		Series              Bold
		\def\@rht at item{\refstepcounter{thesis}\olditem}
		\def\@rht at opt@item[#1]{\protected at edef\@currentlabel{#1}\olditem[#1]}
			\setlength{\labelwidth}{\leftmargin - \labelsep}%
			\renewcommand{\item}{\@ifnextchar[\@rht at opt@item\@rht at item}%
			\renewcommand{\makelabel}[1]{\textbf{Thesis ##1}\hfil}}%
				refcmd    = {Thesis \ref{#1}},
				rngtxt    = \RSrngtxt,
				lsttwotxt = \RSlsttwotxt,
				lsttxt    = \RSlsttxt}}
			\newrefformat{ths}{Thesis \ref{#1}}}
	RefPrefix ths

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