Latex conversion to lyx

Baris Erkus bariserkus at
Thu Dec 19 14:41:14 UTC 2019

On 19-Dec-19 12:04 AM, Mike Reeks wrote:
Grateful for your help. I am using lyx 2.2. I have used lyx to  produce pdf document and the corresponding  latex  file.  I need to be able to generate the pdf file from the latex file I have created using lyx.  Unfortuanely in importing the latex file into lyx I get an error message  ‘an error occurred when running tex2lyx -f ‘. I have absolutely no dea what to do.
Best regards
Mike Reeks

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I highly recommend to come up with an MWE from your original LyX file. That will help you identify the error, if you move in a step-by-step manner...

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