Table and longtable: alternate color rows
Rich Shepard
rshepard at
Wed Dec 11 18:44:31 UTC 2019
Following this thread on stackexchange,
I modified the preamble.
The attached mwe, with both headers and first headers turned on, compiles
with the header row colored grey and the horizontal separator line two rows
below it.
The attached compiled full document table page has the long table header row
grey rather than white and no horizontal separator line underneath.
The floating table above has the header line (with wrapped cells) as two
lines, grey and white and with a separator line. There are no separator
lines above and below the 2-line column header row.
Please teach me how to fix these issues.
I modified the preamble.
The mwe displays differently than the full document table, but both need
adjusting. The caption should not be colored grey and the column headings
(for both the start of the table and on each subsequent page) should have
lines top and bottom. The mwe has an extraneous line well below the header.
How do I fix the preamble, or table settings so the caption has a white
background, the column header row has a white background and is bordered top
and bottom by a separator line.
-------------- next part --------------
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Santiam R.
at Jefferson Bridge
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Middle Fork Willamette R.
at Jasper Bridge
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Willamette R.
at Willamette Park boat ramp/Corvallis
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Willamette R.
upstream of Newberg Bridge at Rogers Landing
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Willamette R.
at Wheatland Ferry h
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Willamette R.
at Greenway bike bridge/Eugene
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Coast Fork Willamette R.
at Hwy 58
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Willamette R.
at St.
Johns Bridge
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Willamette R.
at Hwy 99E (Harrisburg)
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Willamette R.
at Wallace Marine Park boat ramp
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Middle Fork Willamette R above Hills Crk at USGS Gage 14144800
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McKenzie R.
at Coburg Road
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Willamette R.
at Storm Park boat dock
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Willamette R.
0.5 miles downstream of Tualatin R.
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Willamette R.
at SP&S RR Bridge (Portland)
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Pudding R.
at Hwy 99E (Aurora)
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Willamette R.
at Hebb Park Boat Ramp
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South Yamhill R.
at Hwy 99W (McMinnville)
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Monitoring Well L-15
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Clackamas R.
at High Rocks (Old Hwy 213)
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Monitoring Well L-7
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Brown's Island Landfill Monitoring Well 5
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Tualatin R.
at Boones Ferry Road
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Woodburn Landfill leachate Lagoon
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Woodburn Landfill Monitoring Well L-2
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Brown's Island Landfill Monitoring Well 8C
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North Yamhill R.
at Hwy 99W
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Willamette R.
at Hwy 126 (Springfield)
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Coffin Butte's leachate Lagoon
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Brown's Island Landfill Monitoring Well 12B
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Brown's Island Landfill Monitoring Well 10B
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Calapooia R.
at Queen Road
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Monitoring Well L-9
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New Woodburn Landfill Monitoring Well L-5 (Monitoring Well A)
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Woodburn Landfill Monitoring Well L-12
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Woodburn Landfill Monitoring Well 25 (P-25)
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Short Mountain Landfill Monitoring Well leachate lagoon
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South Santiam R.
at Waterloo Bridge
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Molalla R.
at Hwy 99E (Canby)
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Willamette R.
at Hwy 219 (new Newberg bridge)
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New Woodburn Landfill Monitoring Well L-13 (Monitoring Well F)
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New Woodburn Landfill Monitoring Well L-14 (Monitoring Well E)
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Woodburn Landfill Monitoring Well 12C (L-3)
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Woodburn Landfill Monitoring Well 14 (L-6)
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Woodburn Landfill Monitoring Well 9 (L-4)
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Tualatin R.
at Farmington Road
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Woodburn Landfill Monitoring Well 13B (L-10)
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451 NW Quarry Road/P.
Vollstedt Pasture
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171 Creswell Lane/Jim Moore
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960 NW ones/Dick Housden
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825 NW Ridders/Geo.
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905 NE Springhill Road/Golf Club
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710 E Thornton Lake Road/R.H.
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146 NE Cloverdale/Tom Aasum
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880 NE Cherry Lane/Tom Hughson
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451 NW Quarry Road/Phyllis Vollstedt
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1436 Harder Lane/E.
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1440 Shady Lane/Lynn Peters
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1434 Springhill Road/S.
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724 S.
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North Santiam at Mehama Bridge
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North Santiam R.
at Greens Bridge
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Willamette R.
at Marion Street (Salem)
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South Santiam R.
Hwy 226 (Crabtree)
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Willamette R.
at Albany (eastbound Hwy 20 bridge)
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Willamette R.
at Buena Vista Ferry
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Willamette R.
at South R.
Road (Independence)
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Willamette R.
at Canby Ferry
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1670 Thornton Lake Place/Dick Berne
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South Yamhill R.
downstream of Whiteson Landfill
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South Yamhill R.
opposite side from Whiteson Landfill
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South Yamhill R.
upstream of Whiteson Landfill
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Deep Creek at Hwy 224 Bridge (Barton)
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Clackamas R.
at Carver
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Cedar Mill Creek at Hwy 26 (Cedar Mill)
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Beaverton Creek/downstream of Tektronix
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Fanno Creek at Durham Station (Durham)
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Tualatin R.
at Hwy 210 (Scholls)
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Clackamas R.
at Hwy 99E (Gladstone)
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Willamette R.
at Adair water intake
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Willamette R.
at I-5 (Wilsonville)
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Willamette R.
at Staff Jennings Marina
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