Wrap contents in all cells in a column

Baris Erkus bariserkus at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 10 21:20:17 UTC 2019

On 10-Dec-19 7:28 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> I've a table with 5 columns and 84 rows (multipgag/long table). The 
> second
> column holds site descriptions which can be wordy so the table extends 
> well
> past the right margin of the paper when compiled.
> The Tables chapter of the embedded objects document, subsection
> 2.8.1, says setting the column width allows the text to wrap when
> ctrl-shift-Enter is pressed.
> Do I need to do this for each row in the table or is there a way to 
> have all
> rows in that column wrap long text?
AFAIK, if you set the width of the column, it will do wrap as you write. 
You can use CTRL+Enter for new line.


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