"Undefined font command \sc"

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Wed Oct 30 12:41:30 UTC 2019

On Tue, 29 Oct 2019, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

> The authordate4.bst file seems to be the source of the \sc commands. I
> just grepped my copy, and I find \sc in three different places, including
> author and editor names. It may just be out of date.


Thanks! I didn't think to look there because the report I finished a couple
of weeks ago also used authordate4 and had no problems compiling. All the
authordate flavors have the same issue. I removed \sc, \em, and \bf.

I'm surprised that the .bst files have these deprecated character encodings
as TexLive2019 is installed.

For a while I had the font encoding option set to use the old formats but
that caused other issues.

Guess I should report this to TUG. In the meantime I'll try replacing these
old forms with their longer replacement in authordate3 and see if that

Best regards,


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