"Undefined font command \sc"

Paul A. Rubin parubin73 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 22:19:58 UTC 2019

On 10/29/19 6:07 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> I'm stymied. A report that compiled before now throws an error when I 
> try to
> preview it (using psdvi) or compile it (using pdflatex).
> The error is "Class scrreport Error: undefined old font command '\sc'" 
> and
> it is found in a bibliographic reference:
>  {\sc
>          Adamus, P.R., Clairain, E.J., Jr., Smith, R.D., \& Young, 
> R.E.} 1987.
> You should note that since 1994 LaTeX2e provides a new font selection 
> scheme
> ...
> However, the reference database (managed by kbibtex) has this entry:
> @techreport{Adamus1987,
>     abstract = {This manuai outlines a wetland Evaluation Techniaue 
> (WET) for the
>     assessment of wetland functions and values (WET) is a revision of
>     the method developed for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
>     that has often been referred to as the "Federal Highway Method" or
>     the "Adamus Method".
>     ...
>     author = {Adamus, P.R. and Clairain, E.J., Jr. and Smith, R.D. and 
> Young, R.E.},
>     institution = {US Army Corps of Engineers},
>     keywords = {wetlands, evaluation, functions, method},
>     pagetotal = {269},
>     subtitle = {Vol. II: Methodology},
>     title = {Wetland Evalulation Technique (WET)},
>     year = {1987}
> }
> There is no '\sc' in the entry. The kbibtex file settings have 
> Encoding set
> to UTF-8.
> Looking at the entire error report _all_ references are preceeded by the
> '\sc' font command, but they don't show up in the database. Where might
> these error originate?
> Regards,
> Rich
Could it be coming from the .bst file you are using? The author list in 
the error message looks like it is formatted for output. The "raw" 
author list (in the .bib entry you showed) is different.


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