Numbered list - multi-level

Paul A. Rubin parubin73 at
Sat Oct 26 22:20:10 UTC 2019

On 10/21/19 8:56 AM, Eugénio Costa wrote:
> Hi Lyx users and developers
> I am using LyX Version 2.3.1 on Fedora Linux.
> I need help to get a Multi-level numbered list this style:
> 1.
> 1.1
> 1.2
> 1.2.1
> 1.2.2
> 2
> The default is:
> 1.
> (a)
> (b)
> i.
> ii.
> 2.
> This such simple thing is a pain in the ass....
> I need to write a law contract/agreement, where the text refers to 
> previous points, and there is no other way to do it than with numbers.
> I did't find a solution to follow.
> Would be great to have this option without the need to write code, as 
> a simple document option, for a newer version.
> Thank you in advance for the help!
> Coinegue
You can use the enumitem module and add a couple of lines to the 
document preamble:

\setlist[enumerate,2]{label = \theenumi.\arabic*}

\setlist[enumerate,3]{label = \theenumii.\arabic*}

It will not change how the numbering looks in the LyX GUI, but it will 
change how it looks in the compiled document. See the attached MWE. If 
you want to use this regularly, you can create a module of your own to 
implement it. You can also, in your new module, adjust the way numbering 
looks in the GUI, if it really bothers you.


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