how to set this shortcut?

matan guedj matanel1326 at
Wed Oct 30 19:42:37 UTC 2024

I want to set a shortcut that, given a highlighted portion in the math
environment, will create an overset and overbrace above said highlighted
portion of text (the same thing with underset and underbrace as well). My
attempts have failed so far.
what I imagine is lets say I have the following expression highlighted
(without the underbrace and underset) and when I apply the shortcut it'll
create them both for me to write then in the over/underset.
[image: image.png]
I'm on windows 10 on lyx version 2.4.2,
I would also appreciate if someone can reference me to some article/source
to learn how to do even more complex shortcuts.

and I'm looking to do this in shortcuts and not macros, just to be clear.

thanks in advance.
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