Displaying PDF image in a Beamer frame

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Fri Oct 18 15:20:44 UTC 2024

On Fri, 18 Oct 2024, Neal Becker wrote:

> I don't know what output size you're playing with, but I always just set
> the graphic when importing into lyx beamer to something like 85% text
> height. Horizontal centering is done by setting the paragraph to
> centering, which I usually do before inserting the grpahic.


I adjust width or height as a percentage of the text width/height. But with
this image no matter how I applied pdfcrop, pdfjam, or changing boarders in
the LyX image settings that one PDF would not display completely within the
frame space. I replaced it with a simpler map of the drainage basins and had
no problems with that one.



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