algorithm in beamer slide?

Jürgen Spitzmüller jspitzm at
Thu Oct 10 07:09:29 UTC 2024

Am Mittwoch, dem 09.10.2024 um 09:25 -0400 schrieb Neal Becker:
> How do I write an algorithm in a LyX beamer slide?


Put the following in Document > Settings > Local Layout:

	Type                  algorithm
	GuiName               Algorithm
	Placement             tbp
	AllowedPlacement      H
	AllowsSideways        0
	Extension             loa
	NumberWithin          none
	Style                 plain
	ListName              "List of Algorithms"
	IsPredefined          true
	UsesFloatPkg          false
	ListCommand           listofalgorithms
	RefPrefix             alg
	PrettyFormat          "Algorithm ##"
	Requires              algorithm2e

Actual issue:

It works with the algorithm2e package if "H" placement is used, but our
algorithm2e module for some reason does not offer H. So the local
layout code above creates an algorithm2e float with only H placement
for your use case.

Longer term, we should add this placement option to the module.


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