I FUBAR'd preamble: no page numbers or footer text

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Thu Mar 7 19:19:57 UTC 2024

On Thu, 7 Mar 2024, Rich Shepard wrote:

> Now, I'm getting build errors (after hitting a LyX bug that was not
> explained, but crashed the application.)

Build errors eliminated by re-installing TeXLive2023 from its last update in
October 2023. But, still have the header/footer issue.

Attached is lee-mwe.lyx. It has paper format USletter, page layout style
plain, two-sided printing, and language encoding unicode (UTF8) which
removed the error messages while producing pdflatex output because, for some
reason, latin9 language encoding seems to be hard-wired into all documents.

As a KOMA-Script report using \pagestyle[scrheadings] with the header and
footer text specified only the header text (and no separating horizontal
line) is in the output. All this used to put the header and footer text, and
the page number in the footer center, with separating lines.

Where do I look for the reason it stopped working?

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General information

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