Headline is massively indented

Christopher Menzel chris.menzel at gmail.com
Sun Jun 2 10:44:39 UTC 2024

> I have selected my font in the settings. I don't know how else to do it. A package called texlive-full does not exist on my MikTex console. I don't know how to install this package without using manual installation. Maybe with \usepackage? That doesn't work.

Ah, I didn’t realize you were on Windows; TeX Live is a completely different implementation of TeX. As a recent thread indicated, MikTeX is not recommended for use with LyX — maybe this is Yet Another MikTeX Issue? So maybe try removing it and installing TeX Live <https://www.tug.org/texlive/windows.html> instead. That’s all I can think of, as your documents seem to compile just fine under both MacOS and Linux for me (on both of which I have versions of TeX Live).


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