Multiple indices/indexes and Memoir

Jürgen Spitzmüller jspitzm at
Fri Jul 26 07:27:36 UTC 2024

Am Mittwoch, dem 24.07.2024 um 16:23 +0200 schrieb Mathias Girel:
> In my document, if I select multiple indexes, and create an index
> rerum, for example, it generates an error (seen screenshot). I have
> the exact same message even if I'm using a MWE (one paragraph, two
> entries belonging to two indexes).
> My question is: is it a necessary consequence of the Memoir class
> (implying some tricky workaround as explained in the wiki), or is
> there a neat workaround in Lyx, for example by adding something in
> the preamble to avoid this conflict?
> I can live with a single index, if it's too complex to solve, but I
> really like the way multiple indices are integrated in
> LyX, which makes inserting entries so easy.
> Thanks for your help! (and kudos for the great work on 2.4!!)

Memoir's own index implementation is fundamentally incompatible with
splitidx which is used by LyX for multiple indexes. It is possible to
add special support for memoir (I am going to look into that), but
currently you need to refrain from using LyX's multiple index support
and do the second index manually.

Here is some support:

* Store the attached memoir-nomindex.module in your User Directory (see
Help > About LyX) in a sub-folder "layouts"

* put the attached "makeindexall" python script in your PATH and make
it executable

In LyX:

* Tools > Reconfigure and restart
* Load the module "Index of Names for the Memoir Class"
* In Tools > Preferences > Output > LaTeX, change the index processor
to "custom" and enter "makeindexall"

You will now find an inset for name index entries in Insert > Custom
Insets and an inset for the actual inset in Insert >

To change the header of the second index, put in TeX mode
\renewcommand{\indexname}{Name Index}
right before it

If you want a different second index than a name index, adjust this

Hope this helps

(I am also updating the wiki and provide these files there)

-------------- next part --------------
#\DeclareLyXModule{Index of Names for the Memoir Class}
#Defines an index inset for names, only suitable for Memoir!

Format 104

InsetLayout Flex:NameIndex
	LyXType               custom
	LabelString           IdxNom
	LatexType             command
	LatexName             index[nom]
	Decoration            classic
	  Color               foreground
	  Size                Small
	  Family              Roman
	  Shape               Up
	  Series              Medium
	  Misc                No_Emph
	  Misc                No_Noun
	  Misc                No_Bar
	  Color               red
	  Size                Small
	MultiPar              false
	NeedProtect           true

   Type          pagenote
   ListName      "Name Index"
   IsPredefined  true
   UsesFloatPkg  false
   ListCommand   printindex[nom]

-------------- next part --------------
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