Installing LyX 2.4.1 and 2.3.8 side by side

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at
Wed Jul 10 14:50:34 UTC 2024

On Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 08:28:36AM GMT, tkpmep at wrote:
> Can I install both LyX 2.4.1 and 2.3.8 simultaneously on my Windows laptop
> with TeXLive 2023?

I believe in theory yes, not sure how it works in practice.

> If I edit and save a file using LyX 2.4.1 will it still
> be viewable and editable using 2.3.8? 

I think so, but even if technically possible I wouldn't recommend it.
Longer explanation: 2.3.8 has code ("lyx2lyx") to convert 2.4.x files
back into 2.3.x file format. So yes, you should be able to open them,
and please let us know if there is any problem if you do so because that
could be a bug. That said, if you continually change between 2.4.x and
2.3.8, you'll be doing a lot of conversions, and there's a good chance
something could go wrong. My recommendation would be to just use 2.3.8
and wait until you (and your coauthors) are ready to upgrade everything
to 2.4.x.


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