Latex vs. non-latex fonts

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at
Sat Jan 13 15:01:38 UTC 2024

Am 13.01.24 um 15:33 schrieb Neal Becker:
>     And that’s why they don’t look good. You need to choose one from
>     the drop-down list. The problem with using non-TeX fonts is that
>     there might not be a corresponding math font. One that does have a
>     math font and that looks quite nice is Cambria. If you are using
>     MacOS or Windows you should have it on your machine if you’ve
>     installed Office 365 or a standalone of any of the usual Microsoft
>     applications. To get the corresponding math font once you’ve
>     selected Cambria from the drop-down, add the following to the
>     preamble:

use a package which defines text _and_ mathfont, e.g. kpfonts-otf


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