Revising old LyX documents

Rich Shepard rshepard at
Wed Jan 3 17:18:47 UTC 2024

I'm revising several old LyX documents and running into many issues since
the TeXLive versions have been revised over the years.

For example, one doc written in 2010 using KOMA-Script report class used a
class option of 'abstraction.' That's deprecated and may well account for
deprecated font style labels as well as other issues.

Removing that option and adding `Abstract' using the abstract environment
under the ToC places the word directly under the ToC and no heading on the
following page with the abstract. According to the 2023-04-20 English
version of the KOMA-Script manual (page 71),

"3.8. Abstract

"Particularly with articles, more rarely with reports, there is an abstract,
or summary, directly beneath the title and before the table of contents.
When using an in-page title, this abstract is normally a kind of left- and
right-indented block. In comparison, the abstract appears as a chapter or
section when using title pages.

"abstract=simple switch

"In the standard classes, the abstract environment sets the text “Abstract”
centred before the abstract text. This used to be the normal practice. Since
then, reading newspapers has trained us to recognize a suitably highlighted
text at the beginning of an article or report as the abstract. This is even
more true when the text comes before the table of contents. It is also
confusing if, of all things, this title appears small and centred.
KOMA-Script offers the option to include or exclude the abstract’s title
with the abstract option. For simple switch , you can use any value from
table 2.5, page 41. The default for KOMA-Script is false."

That's not what I'm seeing in the LyX doc; see attached screenshot.

Where do I add a simple switch (true) if I'm using the LyX Abstract

In addition to adding the word Abstract above the abstract on the page
following the ToC are there general guidelines for updating old lyx



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