
Patrick Dupre pdupre at gmx.com
Mon Jan 1 11:10:22 UTC 2024


Using Revtex 4.2, (Natbib (BibTex, but it seems that I cannot change it
I get

First, ignoring the collisions, and using a non-relativistic QED (following (author?) [2] who established the “non-
conventional” DAP to BAP formalism without recoil, and then with recoil(author?) [1, 3] for stationary EMF. Dealing
with gaseous species, they are submitted to transient EMFs, which required dealing with the temporal/frequential
shapes of the EMFs.
In Schrödinger

Why "(authors?)"?


 Patrick DUPRÉ                                 | | email: pdupre at gmx.com

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