colors in environments

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Tue Aug 6 15:06:51 UTC 2024

On 8/6/24 8:56 AM, Sergio Celani wrote:
>   Hello
> I need to modify or create a new module so that the environments 
> 'theorem', 'lemma', 'proposition', etc., appear in a different color. 
> For example, I'd like to modify the 'theorems-ams.module' file so that 
> the colors of the environments change in the generated LaTeX file. I 
> only want to change the color of the label and number, not the 
> content. Is there an easy way to do this?

If Herbert sees this, he'll know how.

This is really a LaTeX issue rather than a LyX one. I think you need to 
start from scratch, more or less, and define a new theorem style, then 
use it when the theorem environments are defined. Have a look at the 
documentation for the AMS theorem package:

especially section 4.3. There are other packages that provide similar 
tools, as well.


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