Endnote numbers marked with an asterisk

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at fu-berlin.de
Sat Apr 27 11:08:27 UTC 2024

Am 27.04.24 um 11:53 schrieb Andreas Plihal via lyx-users:
> I use both footnotes and endnotes in my KOMA Script book. If I don't 
> intervene, both will be numbered the same way. Unfortunately, the 
> reader cannot judge from its appearance alone whether it is a footnote 
> or an endnote. I want to mark the footnotes as traditional numbers and 
> the endnotes as starred numbers. I use the Enotez package for the 
> endnotes. How can I achieve this?

write into the preamble


Then in the current text, the endnote gets a preceeding star, but only 
in the
text, not in the list of endnotes.


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