Convert Mac Word and Thesis to LyX

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Thu Apr 18 14:59:38 UTC 2024

On 4/17/24 16:57, Brian Kneller via lyx-users wrote:
> Hi,
> I hope I am in the correct space. — I have prepared a thesis for a PhD 
>  (75K words)and approx 80 figures, the text in Mac-word and the 
> figures are in Adobe Illustrator so I have some flexibility in Format. 
> Also there are many references. I hold all my references and comments 
> on them in Bookends. I regret not looking at lyx/latex and using them 
> much earlier so I am looking for an easy way to migrate this info into 
> Lyx and I am also looking for a Thesis  template. I have dowloaded and 
> installed Lyx on my Macbook Pro (Mavericks) and been thro the intro 
> etc. I am trying to minimise the effort in migration to Lyx so 
> any comments and advice is most welcome.

It should not be difficult to convert the main bulk of the text. You can 
export LaTeX from LibreOffice or use Pandoc to convert Word to LaTeX, 
then import the LaTeX document into LyX.

Graphics will be a somewhat different matter. They'll need to be in a 
format LaTeX can handle, and I'm not sure how well the automated 
conversion will handle that.

Citations will also need attention. I would guess that Bookends can 
export the BibTeX format, but the ciations themselves may or may not 
translate smoothly and need manual correction. It may help to open the 
LyX file in a simple text editor and use search and replace to fix 
citation keys.

Whether there's a good thesis template depends upon your specific needs.


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