Problem converting some svgz

Dan d3vf4n at
Tue Sep 12 15:57:48 UTC 2023


I am having a problem with some svgz (gzipped svg files) not displaying propely in both, the LyX's workarea and the PDF output. I ask here to see if someone else has (or has had) a similar problem and can give me some advice.

Follow through these steps
 1. Run LyX.
 2. Deactivate the cache for converters (Tools > Preferences > File Handling > Converters) and delete the content of the cache folder (~/.lyx/cache in GNU/Linux).
 3. Open the attached file (is a minimal example).
 4. Check whether you see the Undo and Redo icons in the workarea.
 5. Generate a PDF output and check whether the Undo and Redo icons display properly.

In my case, all the icons displayed correctly, but the Undo and Redo ones. After some exploration and looking into the debug messages (lyx -dbg graphics my-file.lyx), I realized
 1. With cache for files disabled, no conversion is actually carried out to display the icons in the workarea. When cache is enabled, the problem with Undo and Redo icons shows in the workarea as well.
 2. The problem has to do with the converter from SVGZ to PDF and PNG formats, in my case cairosvg ("cairosvg -f pdf -o $$o $$i" for PDF, for instance).

I have replaced cairosvg (version 2.5.2) for Inkscape (version 1.3, the latest AppImage(d)), but the problem partially persists: now the Undo icon displays properly in workarea and PDF, but Redo does not in neither of them. See the attached images.

My converter instruction is now:
    inkscape --export-area-drawing -o $$o $$i
The conversion type is inferred by Inkscape from the output-file extension, but Inkscape is not very verbose about the process and what goes wrong, so I am stuck now...

Any help would be appreciated, as I do not want to face this problem in an actual and more important document in the future. Thanks.

Inkscape (inkscape --debug-info)

Inkscape 1.3 (0e150ed, 2023-07-21)

    GLib version:     2.64.6
    GTK version:      3.24.20
    glibmm version:   2.64.2
    gtkmm version:    3.24.2
    libxml2 version:  2.9.10
    libxslt version:  1.1.34
    Cairo version:    1.17.7
    Pango version:    1.44.7
    HarfBuzz version: 2.6.4

    OS version:       Linux Mint 21.2

    Version 2.4.0~RC1.devel (not released yet)

      Built from git commit hash b5bd214c
    Qt Version (run-time): 5.15.3 on platform xcb
    Qt Version (compile-time): 5.15.3
    OS Version (run-time): Linux Mint 21.2
    Python detected: 3.10.12 (/usr/bin/python3)

Enviat amb Tutanota.
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