Subtitle not displayed on report title page

Rich Shepard rshepard at
Mon Sep 11 19:54:42 UTC 2023

On Mon, 11 Sep 2023, Rich Shepard wrote:

> I am not seeing where the paragraph layouts differ, so I'll look at the
> .tex outputs for both.


Yes, I had the wrong environment for the \today date. Fixed that. Now,
mwe.pdf shows the title, subtitle, and date while the whole document doesn't
here are the two .tex segments:

\titlehead{\includegraphics[viewport=0bp 0bp 528bp 157bp,clip,width=1\textwidth]{/home/rshepard/documents/templates/llc-letterhead}}
\title{Title line 1\\
Title line 2}
\subtitle{Subtitle line}

Whole document:
\titlehead{\includegraphics[viewport=0bp 0bp 528bp 157bp,clip,width=1\textwidth]{/home/rshepard/documents/templates/llc-letterhead}}
\title{Lake Merwin Campers Hideaway\\
Mooring Docks Expansion}
\subtitle{Compliance with environmental requirements}

Other than \maketitle being on a separate line I don't see why the date does
not display in the whole document. Is the error some place else?



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