Setting default document class

Paul Rubin parubin73 at
Thu Oct 26 16:39:25 UTC 2023

On 10/26/23 11:54, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Oct 2023, Paul Rubin wrote:
>> Create a new document, select the document class you want as default, 
>> and
>> make any other customizations that you want applied to new documents
>> (fonts, paper size, whatever). Then go to Document > Settings... >
>> Document Class and click "Save as Document Defaults".
> Paul,
> Sigh. Yes, I did that yesterday with a new document. The default when the
> new doc opened was KOMA-Script Book. I changed it to KOMA-Script 
> Report and
> clicked the link, "Save as Document Class." (Aside, it kept shifting 
> back to
> Book and I kept changing that to Report.)
> Now, starting a new doc the default class is "KOMA-Script Book" which 
> is why
> I thought there might be another place that actually set the default 
> class I
> want.
> Thanks,
> Rich


Are you saying that the doc class within a document kept changing back 
to Book on its own, or that the default class kept changing back to 
Book? I would have no explanation for the former. The latter might 
indicate a permissions problem with the directory where the default is 

Speaking of which, if you go to ~/.lyx/templates, you should see a file 
named defaults.lyx. That's your default starting document. All else 
failing, try creating an empty doc with the Report class, saving it to 
/tmp with the name defaults.lyx, and then moving it over to the 
templates directory.


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