
Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Wed Oct 25 03:26:38 UTC 2023

On 10/24/23 05:20, Patrick Dupre via lyx-users wrote:
> Hello,
> In my bib file, I have
> @ARTICLE{javaloyes03b,
>    AUTHOR = {J.~Javaloyes and M.~Perrin and G.L. Lippi and A.~Politi},
>    TITLE = {Recoil-induced lasing},
>    YEAR = 2003,
>    EPRINT = {physics/0311132},
>    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
>    primaryClass = {physics.optics},
>    DOI = {10.48550/arXiv.physics/0311132},
>    NOTE = {}
>    }
> How can I make it come in my Bibliography section with all the information
> archivePrefix

How this is presented in your bibliography is determined by the bibtex 
or biblatex that you are using. I don't know if there's an existing 
style that uses these fields. If not, you'd have to write your own.


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