KOMA-Script Report Class: cannot select biblatex
Rich Shepard
rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Tue Oct 24 18:57:30 UTC 2023
I had a similar issue last June but there no longer are old, deprecated,
font style commands in my jabrefbib.bib file. I searched my lyx mail file
(from 2005) without seeing this particular situation.
I've created a new KOMA-Script report class MWE (attached.) It has only a
title and the question, "Why can't I change the bibliograpy style format in
Document -> Settings -> Bibliography?"
The style format data entry box has greyed out 'Natbib (BibTex)' and there
are no other choices available.
What do I do to fix this so I can select BibLaTeX as the style format (and
related style choices?)
-------------- next part --------------
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Minimal Wrong Example: KOMA-Script Report Class Bibliography
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Why can't I change the style format to biblatex?
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