Adding standard enviroment text in a list

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at
Thu Oct 19 18:45:24 UTC 2023

Am 19.10.23 um 20:39 schrieb Rich Shepard:
> On Thu, 19 Oct 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:
>> Load the module enumitem (docuemnt->settings->modules).
>> - Then start a enumerate paragraph and insert Text
>> - Choose default paragraph style which ends the enumeration.
>>    Insert your text which appears outside the enmeration.
>> - Choose again the enumerate paragraph style and click with _right_
>>   mouse button and insert for enumeration option s "resume"
>>   Insert now the text for the enumeration text.
> Herbert,
> Steps 1 and 2 work, but when I right-click on the next enumerated item
> there's no option entry offered. I cannot grab a screen shot because 
> moving
> off the LyX window to take a shot closes the right-click dialog box.

Maybe a problem with LyX 2.3, because I habe 2.4. beta

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