LyX on Gnome wayland - a new decoration alternative

Tobias Hilbricht hilbricht at
Sat Nov 25 16:46:50 UTC 2023

Am Samstag, dem 25.11.2023 um 12:18 +0100 schrieb Lorenzo Bertini:
> you installed them). These are called "styles", and are .cpp Qt
> plugins rather than themes; you can set them to use a custom .qss if
> you want to theme them. Kvantum instead is a theme engine, and you
> can install themes with it. Very linear and uncomplicated, isn't it?
> :)
> Lorenzo

I stumbled across this thread because qt-apps like LyX on Gnome +
Wayland did behave a bit strange here, too. Out of the box I had
unusual dialogs (files in LyX and TeXStudio, printing in Ocular, both
were in parts untranslated).

It turned out qt5-gtk-platformtheme-packages were not installed, and I
learned that I have to install qt5ct and that I have to set a variable
QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct in /etc/environment, too.

If I use kvantum here, then Comboboxes have gray fonts on dark
background, which makes them unusable. So indeed, very linear and
uncomplicated ...


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