slow cursor speed

Tim Garrett tim.garrett at
Fri Nov 17 18:47:20 UTC 2023


Is it worth trying as an emergency solution reverting to an older version of LyX? If so, any in particular?



On 14 Nov 2023, at 8:38, Tim Garrett wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> Here’s a video showing how it slows down
> I don’t experience this issue on any other application, including Word or Overleaf.
> Thanks again
> Tim
> On 14 Nov 2023, at 7:22, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 11:52:23AM -0700, Tim Garrett wrote:
>>> Scott, the same is also true of typing speed. If I hold down a letter the rate at which the letter is typed slows down progressively the more letters there are. I type faster, so…
>>> Tim
>> Hi Tim,
>> Thanks for testing the beta version. I can't reproduce that issue. Do you think you could make a screencast and post it so we could see how it slows down? After the issue occurs, if you take your finger off and wait a second, and then start typing is it back to normal (until you trigger the issue)? Or once it happens it is slow typing from there on out?
>> Scott

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