Font (detection) problems (want to use a Garamond font)

Eckhard Höffner eckhard.hoffner at
Fri May 5 17:39:08 UTC 2023

Maybe it's because they are in /opt. I don't assume I'm right, but if 
you look a /etc/fonts/fonts.conf (or a subdirectory), /opt is not a 
usual fontpath.

fc-list | grep garamond

is another method.

Are other programs showing the fonts (e. g. libreoffice).

You can also copy the fonts you want (otf // ttf) to 
HOME/.local/share/fonts/ (or /usr/local/share/fonts); both should be in 
the font path of al programs.  My LyX and fontspec(debian) have no 
problems using the HOME-directory.

Am 05.05.23 um 17:22 schrieb Christian Obst:
> Hi all,
> I'm using LyX 2.3.7, and TexLive 2023 (via tlmgr, not distro) on Void
> Linux. My problem is that I can't use any of the Garamond fonts
> installed (URW, EB). LyX has been configured via Tools -> Reconfigure,
> and the PATH (to /opt/texlive/2023/bin/x86_64-linux) is set. LyX finds
> all installed packages etc.
> If I try to use "URW Garamond (Mathdesign)", I get an error when compiling:
> !pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file ugmm8a.pfb): cannot open Type 1 font
> file for reading.
> "URW Garamond" (no Mathdesign) is listed as "not installed", even
> though it is according to tlmgr.
> If I switch to "Don't use TeX-Fonts" in the font dialog, EB Garamond
> is not listed at all, but it is installed. Weirdly, old LyX documents
> that use that font still compile fine and display it in the output. I
> also used to be able (until a week ago) to manually set the main font
> to "EB Garamond" using
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \setmainfont{EB Garamond}
> but that no longer works (gives me an error about not finding that
> font). luaotfload-tool --find "EBGaramond" confirms that it is
> installed in "/opt/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/ebgaramond/EBGaramond-Regular.otf"
> I am thoroughly confused, and don't even know where to begin checking.
> Any help is appreciated!
> Best regards,
> Christian

Eckhard Höffner
Volkarstr. 64
D-80636 München
Tel.: 089 210 31 888
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