My book isn't compiling, having something to do with refstyle <WORKED AROUND>

Steve Litt slitt at
Tue May 2 22:02:09 UTC 2023

Udicoudco said on Wed, 3 May 2023 00:32:30 +0300

>On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 12:11 AM Steve Litt <slitt at>
>> One of my books, which a couple weeks ago compiled just fine, now
>> errors out as follows:'
>> Argument of \eqref has an extra }.
>> 1) Did something change about the refstyle package in the last few
>> weeks?  

Good. So I'm not crazy. Thanks for the info!

>The amsmath package robustified \eqref and it broke how refstyle
>handled amsmath.
>> 2) Did LyX make a change that affected how the refstyle package
>> works?  
>No that I'm aware of.

Good. One less thing to worry about.

>> 3) Within the LyX user interface, where can I see the configuration
>> that affects the usage of the refstyle package?  
>What exactly do you mean?


Rereading, I see I didn't express myself clearly.

I found the answer to my badly expressed question. On the 
Document=>Document_settings=>Document_class window there's a checkbox
called "Use Refstyle (Not Prettyref) for cross reference". It was
checked. I unchecked it, the document compiled, and I couldn't find any
differences in the PDF, so I worked around the problem.

Everyone, if you have "Use Refstyle (Not Prettyref) for cross
reference" checked on the Document Class window, be on the lookout for
trouble if you have later TeXLive installations. I recently upgraded
from 2021 to 2023 a week or so ago, and I'm pretty sure that's why the
symptom appeared at about the same time.

>FWIW, Jürgen Spitzmüller notified the author of refstly,
>and he replied that he will fix it.


>See also and

:-) I should have read that thread more carefully.

Thanks for the help, Udi.


Steve Litt 
Autumn 2022 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

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