Major issues with Memoir class

Rich Shepard rshepard at
Thu Jun 15 13:49:21 UTC 2023

After looking at what the Peter Wilson's Memoir class provides for books I
decided to learn how to use it for a book. Unfortunately, the LyX
implementation is flawed. I'm not on the dev mail list so I'm writing to the
general list asking for improvements in that document class. In the
meantime, I'll see if I can use the KOMA-Script or basic book class to
create the same title page and section headings as I wanted to use with the
Memoir class.

These are what I've learned about the Memoir class in LyX-

- The documentclass{} settings dialog box does not have an option for the
   number of columns; nor do the other settings except for Modules (which
   allows adding the multicols package). Yet, the .tex file shows
   'twocolumns' as a class option. Okay for articles, but not for books. I
   added 'singlecolumn' in the document class options and that fixed this

- The environment options are appropriate for the memoir article class, not
   the book class. There's an Abstract, but no half-title or other book front
   matter page layouts.

- Adding the LaTeX (ERT) \mainmatter after the front matter puts that
   command between \begin{quote} and \end{quote} so there is no chapter
   number assigned to the unstarred chapters. It thinks chapter* is used.

This is as far as I've done. I cannot build LyX-2.4.x on this
Slackware64-14.2 desktop which is my server and main workstation.

Please find time to make the Memoir book class fully functional in currnet


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\begin_layout Title
Quantifying Freshwater Ambient Conditions
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Complying with the Clean Water Act

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Richard B.

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\begin_layout Chapter*

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The original Water Pollution Control Act of 1899 based assessments on ambient
 water quality.
 In the 1948 revision the focus turned to point source pollutant discharges.
 In the 1972 revision (the Clean Water Act, or CWA) the objective to restore
 and maintain the physical, chemical, and biological constituents of the
 nation's waters was reinstated and requires ambient conditions as the assessmen
t basis.
 Unfortunately, the EPA, Tribes, and states continue to set maximum concentratio
n levels for specific inorganic ions and organic compounds when assessing
 water quality.

\begin_layout Standard
The basis for setting water quality standards is decades out of date, given
 our current understanding of environmental data and availability of recently
 developed statistical models.
 The use of a single maximum concentration limit (MCL) for individual chemical
 elements does not reflect natural ecosystem function nor provide accurate
 indications of whether regulated industrial activities adversely impact
 the specific designated beneficial uses of surface or ground waters at
 specific locations.
 Water is a complex mixture of chemicals, not individual inorganic ions
 and organic compounds, and concentrations vary with temperature, pH, flow
 rate, and location while binding and releasing on inorganic and organic
 substrata, and other factors.
 A sample of water represents a snapshot at a specific time and place.
 This is why aquatic ecologists have established data collection standards
 to minimize variability when measuring physical and chemical parameters
 of flowing and standing waters.

\begin_layout Standard
Ambient conditions fulfills 
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\begin_layout Plain Layout



101.(a) of the 1972 Clean Water Act:

\begin_layout Quote
The objective of this Act is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical,
 and biological integrity of the Nation?s waters.

\begin_layout Standard
While many have proposed qualitative or site-specific indicies and single-number
s to define ambient water quality they fail to be quantitative, applicable
 in every freshwater body, and based on technically sound and legally defensible
 statistical models.

\begin_layout Standard
Aquatic biota are much more reliable indicators of ambient water quality
 than are concentrations of chemical elements.
 The EPA considers aquatic life to be the highest and best use of water
 (that is, the use most sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance).
 Aquatic biota, along with the abiotic physical and chemical environments,
 form natural ecosystems.
 Benthic macroinverebrate communities
\begin_inset Foot
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
The juvenile life stages of aquatic insects and other small invertebrates
 such as snails, amphipods, and water mites.


 directly reflect the location's ambient conditions.

\begin_layout Standard
This book describes a method that quantifies the local biotic community
 explains how this process can be used to assess ambient conditions and
 distinguish inherent natural variability (including climate change) from
 chnages caused by human activities.

\begin_layout Quote
\begin_inset ERT
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\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Chapter

\begin_layout Standard
Natural ecosystems are highly complex; we cannot have complete knowledge
 of their variability and interactions among all components.
 About 50 years ago, when environmental laws started to be created, ecologists
 were moving from qualitative descriptions of ecosystems, communities, and
 populations to quantative measures of their dynamics.
 At that time, appropriate statistical models did not exist, and computers
 were not as widely (or easily) used as they are today.
 To implement these statutes regulators had to assess and compare natural
 ecosystems in attempts to determine anthropogenic effects.
 The approach used then was to create methods producing a single numerical
 value assumed to summarize ecosystem quality and separate ?good? from ?bad?
 These species diversity and biotic integrity indices still are used today.
 And they still fail to describe ecosystem complexity, to quantify inherent
 natural variability, and to separate natural and anthropogenic changes
 to these systems.
 These faillings are overcome by applying appropriate, modern statistical
 models to biotic data.

\begin_layout Standard
An important benefit of robust statistical analyses of ecosystems is that
 they integrate components of each drainage basin and its stream network.
 This integration provides insights that regulators and other stakeholders
 can use to make informed decisions.
 These statistical analyses do not produce a dichotomous decision point
 (less than this number is good, greater than this number is bad), but allow
 the use of Best Professional Judgment and adjustments as more data and
 knowledge become available.

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