Bibliography issues

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at
Wed Jun 7 17:44:27 UTC 2023

Am 07.06.23 um 18:45 schrieb Rich Shepard:
> I'm using lyx- and the (older) document class is KOMA-Script Book.
> A while ago I changed the bibliography generator from bibtex to biblatex,
> but that's not an option for this document; only Default, biber, 
> bibtex, and
> bibtex8 are available from the Settings -> Bibliography dialog box. See
> attached bibliography dialog box image.
> When I try to compile the document (pdflatex) I find old-font-type errors
> (see attached build error image.) Those should have been corected long 
> ago.


you are using the for long time deprecated font commands like \sc.
I suppose that they are part of your created bbl file and therefore defined
in the style file of bibtex.

Hower, withe documentclass option:


you can allow KOMAScript to use these old commands. However, changing
it to the correct LaTeX commands would make sense: \sc  -> \scshape


> Recent documents using the report classe haven't had these issues.
> I need a pointer to find where I start looking for the reasons of these
> issues.
> TIA,
> Rich

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