Adding exteranally-created index

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at
Mon Jul 24 14:55:01 UTC 2023

Am 24.07.23 um 14:47 schrieb Rich Shepard:
> On Mon, 24 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:
>> Rich you can use a tabular in the title but LyX doesn't take the
>> surrounding fontsize into account. Only a problem for the LyX view.

> I did not use a table, but the multicol packae to create two columns.

I meant a tabular for the chapter title eith a subtitle in smaller fontsize


> I'll remove that effort and go through each main and sub heading 
> inserting
> the index command for each one. For concepts that are not specific words,
> I'll find a word on that page to mark, then change the text to the 
> concept
> rather than the word.
> I suppose there are too few books created using LyX to justify 
> development
> time for incorporating an externally-created index as a professional 
> indexer
> would do. These professionals use any one of three proprietary indexing
> tools that are very expensive but provide publishers with an index to 
> add to
> non-fiction books.
> Thanks,
> Rich

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