Adding exteranally-created index

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at
Mon Jul 24 05:15:07 UTC 2023

Am 22.07.23 um 17:18 schrieb Rich Shepard:
> On Fri, 21 Jul 2023, Rich Shepard wrote:
>> I've created an index externally and it has abbreviations and terms not
>> necessarily in the text body but could be what a reader seeks to 
>> find. Is
>> there a way for me to add the index? Perhaps by manually adding a 
>> 2-column
>> unnumbered chapter after the bibliography?
> I made an unnumbered chapter (Index) after the bibliography and use two
> small spaces (Ctrl-spacebar) to inset subheadings. But, continuation 
> lines
> are not inset and I would like your advice on how to make a 
> cleaner-looking
> index.

Rich you can use a tabular in the title but LyX doesn't take
the surrounding fontsize into account. Only a problem for
the LyX view.

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