\lBrack [was Re: Double brackets]

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at gmail.com
Sat Jul 22 18:40:07 UTC 2023

On 7/22/23 14:28, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Am 22.07.23 um 17:24 schrieb Dan:
>> I am trying to write a Lie bracket [[a, b ]].  The commands 
>> \llbracket and \rrbracket work just fine in the LyX math formula, but 
>> doesn't render in LuaTex.  I could conceivably use a negative space 
>> and join the symbols | and [ (with some fussing) but I can't get LyX 
>> to recognize \! as a negative spacer.  (That's another question, 
>> really.  I don't need that answered here if there is a simpler way to 
>> do this.)
> The names for uniicode-math ate \lBrack and \rBrack.
> Write into the preamble
> \let\llbracket\lBrack
> \let\rrbracket\rBrack
> if you want to use the old names. However, LyX do not know the new 
> names and do not render it.

That should be an easy one to fix. I'm cc'ing devel.


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