Nesting in Standard environment

Hal Kierstead hal.kierstead at
Wed Jul 19 14:12:20 UTC 2023

All -

I am trying to follow these instructions from the UserGuide, but the character I should enter is undefined. I expected it to be  <tab> which works to nest lists in lists, but this did not work. Can someone help me? Example 2: Inheritance
This is the LyX-Code environment, at level #1, the outermost
level.  Now we will enter Return, then undefined, after 
which, we will change to the Enumerate environment.
This is the Enumerate environment, at level #2.
Notice how the nested Enumerate not only inherits its margins from its parent environment (LyX-Code), but also inherits its font and spacing!

I am using LyX 2.3.7 on maxOS 13.7.1(c)


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