UTF-8 and the Tufte Book document class

Tobias Hilbricht hilbricht at linopus.de
Tue Jul 18 20:45:53 UTC 2023

Am Dienstag, dem 18.07.2023 um 14:50 +0200 schrieb R H van der Gaag:
> Hi all,
> I am writing a book using the Tufte Book document class, with the
> Tufte font included through ``\usepackage{ETbb}`` in the preamble.
> This works fine. But the encoding is T1, and producing a PDF fails
> when I change it to UTF8. I intend to add some Chinese text, and I
> either have to get UTF8 to work

Call the etbb-fonts the LyX-way as non-TeX-fonts (Document - Settings -
Fonts - choose etbb* in the list of serif fonts)? That way you can
compile with XeTeX and utf.

* If etbb are not in the list, you have to make e. g.
known to your OS as a font directory.

Hope it helps

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