Bibliographic citations citation style formatting
Rich Shepard
rshepard at
Wed Jul 12 21:27:29 UTC 2023
On Wed, 12 Jul 2023, Rich Shepard wrote:
> Here's a different one from a report written a couple of months ago. See
> second attachment (citation-style.png). Notice that the citation is a pair
> of question marks (and all variants of that are the only display options)
> while the citation (Langless2000) is what should be displayed.
Fixed this one. While the Settings dialog box showed the authoryear, it was
not in the list of authors. Scrolling down that list I clicked on that name
and the proper entry was loaded. The LyX and PDF files are correct.
However, ... there are still bibliography errors that can be seen in the
mwe.lyx file (attached, along with a mwe.bib containing two entries).
Creating the new file (KOMA-Sctipt book class), the bibliography setting is
stuck at bibtex, not biblatex. I need to fix this for the MWE and future new
docs. It also presents only bibtex citation styles, not the biblatex ones.
I need help setting biblatex as the default for all book and report docs and
having all multi-author docs (3 or more authors) display citations and
bibliography entrries as the first author + et al.
Now to read TLC3/II on biblatex.
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assessment of streams and rivers for determining whether designated beneficial
uses have been attained, for measurements of biodiversity, or for quantifying
ecosystem function (
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.) In addition to mixed taxonomic levels being given the same weight in a
diversity or integrity index, these metrics do not accommodate the range
of benthic macroinvertebrate life history strategies.
These life history differences mean that taxa collected at any site depends
on the collection date (
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.) For example, at one extreme are the terrestrial locusts, the swarming
phase of certain species of short-horned
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@comment{ This file was created with JabRef 2.9.2.
abstract = {Studies of biodiverstiy and ecosystem function require to
consider the identification level that accurately describes
the functional diversity of comminities, in terms of their
biological traits, and different spatial scales. Therefore,
we combined three published data sets of stream
macroinvertebrate abundances collected at three spatial
scales with a database of funcional species traits (e.g.,
life history, morphology, physiology, and benavior). We
investigated the abundance of taxa and their traits at five
levels of taxonomic (from species to class) and three levels
of spatial resolution (from local habitat to catchment). We
used multivariate analyses and correlations to evaluate the
accuracy of community descriptions through the stability of
such descriptions, the degree of similarity of site
ordinations, and the overall community structure expressed
at each taxonomic level. The accuracy of community
descriptions based on the abundance of taxa depended on the
spatial scale considered. The accurate description of the
abundance of taxa required identification to genera and/or
families on the local habitat scale, while species
idenfifications were needed on the catchment scales. Thus,
species identifications may not be necessary for future
studies on the functional diversity of the stream benthos at
different spatial scales.},
author = {Doledec, S. and Olivier, J.M. and Statzner, B.},
journal = {Archiv fur Hydrobiologie},
keywords = {streams, rivers, macroinvertebrates, benthos, biodiversity, ecosystem function, spatial, statistics, models, taxonomy, Life history, sampling, functional feeding groups},
number = {1},
pages = {25?43},
title = {{Accurate description of the abundance of taxa and their biological traits in stream invertebrate communities: effects of texonomic and spatial resolution.}},
volume = {148},
year = {2000}
abstract = {1. The EC Water Framework Directive (2000 / 60 / EC)
recognises the need for biological monitoring. Indices
derived from standard samples of macroinvertebrates are
frequently used for the appraisal of the ecological quality
of rivers. However, information on the errors or chance
variation that can influence the value of an index is also
important. 2. This paper describes a study to quantify the
observed sampling variation in three ecological indices
based on the Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP)
score system across a wide range of river types and
qualities. The indices are number of BMWP taxa, BMWP score
and Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT). 3. The study sites were
selected to encompass the four major groups within the River
InVertebrate Prediction And Classification System (RIVPACS)
site classification for Britain. Within each group, four
sites which differed in ecological quality grade were chosen
(total of 16 sites). At each site three standard RIVPACS
samples were taken in each of spring, summer and autumn by
trained staff. In each season, two samples were taken by one
biologist and the third by a different individual to allow
for within and between-operator variation. 4. The effects of
sampling variation within a season on the number of taxa,
BMWP score and ASPT across all sites, irrespective of
operator, could be represented by some simple parameters. We
found that the sampling SD of the square root of the number
of taxa, square root of BMWP score and the untransformed
ASPT were roughly constant in each case, irrespective of
site type or quality. For each index, SD for two and three
seasons combined samples were smaller than for single season
samples. 5. Inter-operator influences on sample values were
negligible (4??12\% of total sampling SD) in this study.
This underlines the importance of adequate training for all
staff involved in extensive monitoring programmes which use
standard procedures from one year to the next, but may
involve different staff. 6. Indices for number of taxa, BMWP
score and ASPT were all estimated with greater precision
from combined season samples than from the averages of two
or three seasons' samples. 7. This study enables us to
estimate confidence intervals for the values of the number
of taxa, BMWP score and ASPT based on single season, two or
three season combined samples collected using standard
RIVPACS procedures for any river site in Britain. The
results can also be used in simulation models which
incorporate the effects of sampling variation into
assessments of the ecological quality of river sites based
on the ratio of observed to RIVPACS expected values of these
BMWP indices.},
author = {Clarke, R.T. and Furse, M.T. and Gunn, R.J.M. and Winder, J.M. and Wright, J.F.},
journal = {Freshwater Biology},
keywords = {streams, rivers, benthos, macroinvertebrates, RIVPACS, bioassessment, sampling, models, statistics},
pages = {1735?1751},
title = {{Sampling variation in macroinvertebrate data and implications for river quality indices}},
volume = {47},
year = {2002}
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