Setting default language to British English

Paul Stansell paulstansell at
Tue Jan 31 23:14:49 UTC 2023

> I realise that I can fix it on the TeX side by adding the following line
> to the TeX file I'm importing:
>     \usepackage[british]{babel}
> but I'd like to fix it on the LyX side if possible.

Actually, that doesn't work either.  The import seems to set the languages
as I want them, but when I try to process the file LyX gives an error
because the TeX file it creates contains the following:

  \usepackage[british, english]{babel}

That is, if LyX imports a TeX file containing

  \usepackage[british, english]{babel}

it exports it with

  \usepackage[british, english]{babel}

which causes this LaTeX error:

  LaTeX Error: Option clash for package babel.

The exported TeX file is also missing the a4paper option.

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