\FigBesBeg not working in lyx 2.4.0

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at fu-berlin.de
Fri Jan 27 09:17:24 UTC 2023

Am 27.01.23 um 09:54 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> I include the TEST file which I exported to the 2.3.x line.
> If somebody using it (instead of 2.4.0) could test it for the sidecap
> (\FigBesBeg/\FigBesEnd) it would show whether the reported failure is 
> due to the 2.4 version or not.
> Get the figure from the tar I have mailed or just use your own graphic.

I can read the file with

Version 2.4.0-beta2 (11. Dezember 2022)

but it cannot create an output. The import of the image settings is wrong:
the height is not recognized only the width. This leads to the wrong
latex output (see the percent sign at the end of the optional arguments.



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