Ventura graphics Mac

Christopher Menzel chris.menzel at
Sat Jan 21 21:02:25 UTC 2023

Udi wrote:
> I think this bug is already reported here <>, it seems that you can enter the Unix file path into the "File:" field manually. 
> It's not a perfect solution, but it might solve your problem in the meantime.

Can confirm.

This definitely appears to be a Ventura thing. I can’t insert graphics on my 2021 MacBook Pro using either or 2.3.7 but both versions work just fine on my old iMac under Big Sur. You can mitigate the pain of the kludgy workaround a little bit by locating your desired graphic in the Finder, right clicking and selecting “Get Info”. This will bring up an info window that contains the full Unix path to the containing directory that you can copy and paste into the “file:” field in the LyX pop-up for inserting graphics. You’ll still have to type in the file name, but the process is still easier than typing in the whole path, especially if you use cloud storage, which buries your files pretty deeply under your home directory.

Alternatively, run LyX under Linux in a Parallels VM — it’s quite a bit faster than the MacOS universal binary and doesn’t suffer from this bug.


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